Employers Are More Trusted Than Ever According to New Poll

Trust is important. Coming out of the global pandemic, it’s never been more so. Interesting new data from the Edelman Trust Barometer now points to employers as people’s most trusted ally to “do what’s right.”  

Most people (77%) said their employer has become their most trusted institution, which has put much more pressure on CEOs to prioritize societal and political issues in addition to business outcomes. Roughly 80% of employees, on average, expect their company to act on issues such as vaccine hesitancy, climate change, automation, misinformation and racism.

Before the pandemic, customers were considered the most important business stakeholders. Now, it's employees. 

Globally, the majority (60%) of people say their country will not be able to overcome its challenges without business’ involvement. Across every issue measured, people say businesses have outperformed government. 

People expect corporations and CEOs to continue addressing the most pressing social and political issues even after the pandemic is over, according to new data. While this provides opportunities for some companies to grow, it also puts more pressure on CEOs and business leaders to address more than just shareholder returns. 

Our own HR expert, Lorein Brightwell says, “Employers have trust, but what are they going to DO with it and who (employees, board, shareholders, customers) are they really going to listen to?”  “It’s never been more important to have an HR strategy in place that clearly articulates the employer’s values and stance on these critical matters.” 

So the trust is there, but that brings additional pressure.  That’s why the smartest employers look to PLB Resources as their guide to make sure the company is fully in compliance AND working at maximum efficiency.

More info for smart employers
