Employee Development

Employee development is a joint initiative of the employee, as well as the employer to upgrade the existing skills and knowledge of an individual worker/candidate. The senior, strategic HR Consultant at PLB Resources is an employer’s most valuable partner in assessing, creating, planning, implementing, and monitoring meaningful employee development that positively affects the Client’s bottom line.
In a time of high unemployment it is of utmost importance for employees to keep themselves abreast with the latest developments in the industry to survive the fierce competition. However, in the current environment of such low unemployment, that finds most anyone willing to work…well, working…employee development takes on a new sense of urgency…urgency to develop an internal pipeline of talent for your critical positions. For mature organizations whose owners may be planning on a sale or divestiture, it may be the difference between profit sharing and providing ownership to loyal, purposefully-groomed, deserving, capable, and willing employees and considering an unknown buyer or a total dissolution of the company.
An article in the Harvard Business Review , "Why Top Young Managers Are in a Nonstop Job Hunt" by Monika Hamori, Jie Cao and Burak Koyuncu, described a study based on analysis of international databases of over 1,200 young, high-achievers, and concluded that many of the best and the brightest are not receiving the career development support they desire. The article stated:
"Dissatisfaction with some employee-development efforts appears to fuel many early exits. We asked young managers what their employers do to help them grow in their jobs and what they'd like their employers to do, and found some large gaps. Workers reported that companies generally satisfy their needs for on-the-job development and that they value these opportunities, which include high-visibility positions and significant increases in responsibility. But they're not getting much in the way of formal development, such as training, mentoring and coaching - things they also value highly.
Why the disconnect? We think it’s because formal training is costly and can take employees off the job for short periods of time. Employers are understandably reluctant to make big investments in workers who might not stay long. But this creates a vicious circle: Companies won’t train workers because they might leave, and workers leave because they don’t get training. By offering promising young managers a more balanced menu of development opportunities, employers might boost their inclination to stick around.”
The senior, strategic HR Consultant at PLB Resources is more than capable to help you escape this meaningless treadmill. The following is a sampling of those services that PLB provides to its Clients interested in developing their employees and achieving greater employee engagement, return on training investment, and a superior team of workers and leaders.
Create progressive, comprehensive employee development programs to include, but not limited to:
- Career Pathing / Career Tracks
- Employee Training
- Management Training
- Salary/Bonus/Benefits Mapping
- Total Rewards Program / Refinement
- Leadership Development
- Succession Planning
- Talent Identification
- Guidance to Leaders on Development Options
- Related Tools
- Other special projects as needed for employee development and enrichment work as necessary to advance vision, mission, and values of Client’s company
Find out how we may specifically assist you. An initial, one-hour consultation at your company is completely complimentary. Contact Us
PLB Resources... helping employers with what they know they don’t know... since 2000